green wings

green wings

miercuri, 28 ianuarie 2009

Sustainable Cambodia

Sustainable Cambodia is an international nonprofit organization working to help the residents of rural Cambodian villages create a sustainable quality of life through wells, irrigation systems, schools, training and empowerment.

Sustainable Cambodia is funded through public support by child sponsors and contributors from around the world, and through the generous support of Rotary clubs from around the world. By our founding principles, only native Cambodians may be employed as paid staff, and all international officers, directors and consultants are unpaid volunteers, ensuring that 100% of funding goes directly into the rural village programs.

Sustainable Cambodia helps Cambodian villages become self-sustaining communities where people want to live, with healthy water, good food, health care and education for the residents, where there is environmental and social responsibility and employment that allows them to sustain and continually improve their quality of life.

We are not an "aid" organization: We work with the village families through a unique participatory empowerment model, providing resources, assistance, training and education. The families do the hard work. This empowers the families to revitalize their community and economy, creating a self-sustaining quality of life. In return for the assistance from Sustainable Cambodia, the families commit to passing on the gift by helping other families and communities.

Sustainable Cambodia works through this empowerment model at the grassroots level, effecting change community by community.

We hope you will join us by sponsoring a child, or by helping village families with wells, garden seed, fishponds, bees and other needed resources through our Village Gifts program. The difference you make will be positive and lasting, and will spread from village to village, changing lives for the better.

Sex slaves

' i met Sahana when she was nineteen years old. she was an illiterate Nepali woman who possesed two valuable qualities: she was young and she was pretty. Her face earned her family the equivalent of fifty pounds when she was sold, aged twelve, to a brothel in India. It also earned her ten customers a day and HIV. She no longer works as a prostitute. This is not because she has been rescued from prostitution, or because she has found a happier livelihood, but beacuse she is going to die. she was ejected from her caged brothel in Mumbai because she had become too thin to attract her clients, and the brothel owner thought she was a bad advertisment for business.
stories like Sahana's have become cliches. but, staggeringly, even cliches like these can still be true.
all over the world women are sold, tricked, forced or lured into prostitution. they are incarcerated in brothels and girls who are a little more than children are compelled to service innumerable clients. they are unable to refuse customers and unable to escape from brothels that are nothing but prisons.
these tales are not myths of figments in the imagination of journalists looking for new angles of a new story. these are ancient horror stories, and they are contemporary ones too, shared by hundreds of thousands of girls and young women.'

Sex Slaves - The Trafficking of Women in Asia.
Louise Brown

aberatii de moment

Sa scriu... sa sriu pentru ca nu am mai scris de mult. pentru ca uneori uit de mine si ma las ingropata de problemele altora... incerc sa ma readuc la suprafata si incerc sa imi dau seama daca am ales viata pe care mi-o doresc... intr-adevar, societatea ne dicteaza sa terminam scoala ca sa "avem un drum de succes in viata", dar cine trage linia? ce inseamna succesul pentru voi si ce inseamna pentru mine?
m-am saturat de asa-zisii prieteni care nu se vad decat pe ei, pretinzand ca tin la mine; nu am nevoie decat de oameni sinceri si care stiu si isa traiesc viata cu adevarat, fara sa pretinda ca o fac. viata citita din carti nu este viata decat daca este si traita. tineti-va parerile pentru voi.
am invatat ca viata mai poate oferi si alti prieteni decat cei cu care te-ai obisnuit, desi o prietenie veche va fi vesnica (unicul soul mate; prietena adevarata, fara false sentimente sau fite).
am invatat ca partenerul de viata, iubitul, iti este si cel mai bun prieten. asta inseamna o relatie cu adevarat, cel putin in ceea ce ne priveste: iubire si prietenie, complicitate, sinceritate si nebunie. mi se par de cacat relatiile in care el se ascunde de ea si vice versa, sau in care el nu ii spune ei ca el iese cu colegele de servici, de parca ar avea sa se culce cu toate, de parca nu ar mai putea exista prietenie intre membri de sex opus. ei bine exista. intelege, ca femeie ca trebuie sa respecti intimitatea persoanei de langa tine si sa ii dai timp si loc sa respire. astfel vei lasa loc unei frumoase prietenii. si lasa naibii fitele si fii sincera, deschisa si gata de distractie.
oricum aberez si nu conteaza ce scriu, insa exista in anturajul meu o situatie foarte nasoala ce nu se va termina bine pentru nimeni. asta de ce? pentru ca o nunta nu se face in pripa, pentru ca a te casatori la o varsta frageda, cand nu esti sigur pe sentimentele tale Nu este o solutie. pentru ca 2 ani nu este suficient timp in care sa cunosti un om. si in fond si la urma urmei, why the hell rush things?
vreau sa terminam o data cu mutatul asta, vreau sa treaca timpul mai repede si sa ma vad la casa mea. cu cat pare ca este mai putin de facut, cu atat dureaza mai mult. m-am saturat sa fiu ca tiganul cu cortul, cand intr-o parte cand in alta, m-am saturat de mama si de parintii lui, nu mai vreau ca destinul meu sa se intersecteze cu nimanui decat cu al lui; vreau sa fumez cat vreau si unde vreau si mai ales cand vreau; nu mai vreau scandal, morala si discutii inutile de la niste pers care si asa nu pricep care e treaba cu noi. ne vreau pe noi 2. in spatiul nostru. si imi doresc sa imi pot chema prietenii la mine, sa vina si sa plece cand vor, fara alte conditii. sa speram ca pana in martie o sa ne vedem si la casa noastra....
si vreau sa strang bani pentru a reveni in Cambogia... sa imi revad prietenii...
ciudat cum se schimba si ne schimba viata...

sâmbătă, 17 ianuarie 2009

Butterfly cry - Kerli

Butterfly Cry

Did I hurt you?
Did I ever made you bleed inside?
Did I kill you?
I didn't mean to make you hide yourself,
find you in you , beautiful.
Do not grow the seeds of pain in you,
Let the butterflies cry,
Let them cry for you.
You just dry your eyes,
Because the world is wonderful.

Let the butterflies cry,
let them cry for you.
You just dry your eyes,
because the world is wonderful.

Oh, because the world is wonderful

I have been there,
I used to believe there was no light.
But I found out,
Oh, life is far too short to fight.
Loose yourself, let go of your pain,
taste the air you breathe and kiss the sky.

Let the butterflies cry,
let them cry for you.
You just dry your eyes,
because the world is wonderful.

Let the butterflies cry,
let them cry for you.
You just dry your eyes,
because the world is wonderful.

Oh, because the world is wonderful.

Let the butterflies cry,
let them cry for you.
You just dry your eyes,
because the world is wonderful.

Let the butterflies cry,
let them cry for you.
You just dry your eyes,
because the world is wonderful.

Oh, because the world is wonderful,

And yeah, because the world is wonderful!