Viața este un fâlfâit de aripă....'Unii oameni indiferent cât de bătrâni sunt niciodată nu își pierd frumusețea. Au mutat-o din fețele în inimile lor' - Martin Buxbaum
green wings
vineri, 26 iunie 2009
RIP Michael.....& Farrah
se pare ca MJ a murit ieri in urma unui atac cardiac.
alte detalii nu mai conteaza. vestea este confirmata de o gramada de surse precum TMZ.COM, MSNBC.COM, CNN.COM, LATIMES.COM si presa din Romania.
se pare ca ar exista si un filmulet in care acesta este dus la spital (
pot spune ca imi pare rau sa aflu aceste vesti, intrucat muzica lui mi-a infrumusetat copilaria. notabila este contributia sa in lumea muzicii, dansului, a intregii industrii muzicale.
pentru prima data radiourile vuiesc cu muzica lui, parca intr-un ultim omagiu... insa MJ va ramane viu prin muzica sa.
de cate ori cineva va dansa moonwalk el va fi acolo :))
I was wandering in the rain
Mask of life, feelin' insane
Swift and sudden fall from grace
Sunny days seem far away
Kremlin's shadow belittlin' me
Stalin's tomb won't let me be
On and on and on it came
Wish the rain would just let me
How does it feel (How does it feel)
How does it feel
How does it feel
When you're alone
And you're cold inside
Here abandoned in my fame
Armageddon of the brain
KGB was doggin' me
Take my name and just let me be
Then a begger boy called my name
Happy days will drown the pain
On and on and on it came
And again, and again, and again...
Take my name and just let me be
How does it feel (How does it feel)
How does it feel
How does it feel
How does it feel
How does it feel (How does it feel now)
How does it feel
How does it feel
When you're alone
And you're cold inside
How does it feel (How does it feel)
How does it feel
How does it feel
How does it feel
How does it feel (How does it feel now)
How does it feel
How does it feel
When you're alone
And you're cold inside
Like stranger in Moscow
Like stranger in Moscow
We're talkin' danger
We're talkin' danger, baby
Like stranger in Moscow
We're talkin' danger
We're talkin' danger, baby
Like stranger in Moscow
I'm live in lonely
I'm live in lonely, baby
Stranger in Moscow
so.... R.I.P. MJ
tot ieri a murit din cauza cancerului si Farrah Fawcett, celebra dupa rolul jucat in serialul Charlie’s Angels din 1976 si dupa celebrul potster (vezi dreapta), cel mai vandut poster din lume (peste 12 milioane de copii), sex simbol al anilor 70-80. Actrita si modelul a murit la varsta de 62 de ani.
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Am aflat teribila veste in jurul orei 02:00 si nu mi-a venit sa cred. Parca cineva facea o gluma proasta...dar din pacate s-a dovedit a fi cat se poate de real. Inca nu pot sa cred ca idolul copilariei mele s-a dus. Pentru unii poate para ciudat ca "plangem" un om pe care nu l-am cunoscut, dar ceea ce a facut omul acesta prin muzica lui, nu cred ca o sa mai vedem prea curand.
Adio Michael....
"Tell the angels no, I don’t wanna leave my baby alone
I don’t want nobody else to hold you
That’s a chance I’ll take
Baby I’ll stay, Heaven can wait
No, if the angels took me from this earth
I would tell them bring me back to her
It’s a chance I’ll take, maybe I’ll stay
Heaven can wait"
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