green wings

green wings

sâmbătă, 22 noiembrie 2008

M-am pierdut acolo undeva...

M-am pierdut undeva in Cambogia si nu vreau sa ma mai regasesc. M-am regasit acolo, am regsait oamenii si viata. Am redescoperit zambetul si copiii, natura si cerul. Aromele mi-au invadat simturile si culorile mi-au chimbat judecata. De ce imi pierd eu existenta intre betoane si in orase triste si gri? De ce alerg si nu mai traiesc?
Primul lucru care te izbeste in Bangkok (caci acolo ajungi din Romania) este aerul greu, innecacios. Foarte cald... Simti cum esti inundat. Privesti in imensitatea aeroprtului, oamenii vorbesc o limba grea si neinteleasa, sunt agitati, si vezi printre ei si turisti... americani, europeni, din toate colturile lumii. Unii au ajuns aici pt prima oara, ca si mine, altii au sosit si nu au mai putut pleca. Am avut 5 ore de stat in Bagkok pentru a putea zbura catre Cambogia, Siem Reap. Asa ca ne-am urcat in taxi si primul lucru pe care l-am observat este ca ei conduc ca in Anglia. Merg cu viteza mare, insa respecta regulile de circulatie. Taxiul ne-a lasat pe Khaosan, marea strada a backpackerilor, locul unde se intalnesc calatorii, mananca, cumpara si se distreaza. Timpul a trecut repede si ne-am indreptat spre aeroport. Traficul este ingrozitor, da, se poate mai rau decat in Bucuresti. Pentru un moment chiar am crezut ca nu vom prinde avionul. Dar am avut noroc si dupa 45 de minute de zbor am ajuns in Siem Reap, printre singurele destinatii vizitate de turisti ale Cambogiei. templele iti taie rasuflarea, si oamenii sunt extraordinari. Ceea ce te frapeaza este prapastia imensa intre clasele sociale. Langa hoteluri de 5000 de dolari pe noapte, vezi "case", mai degraba cocioabe, si oameni care merg cate 8 pe un scuter, si copii care mor de foame. Primul lucru de stiut este ca NU trebuie incurajata cersetoria; daca esti miscat de un copil si vrei sa il ajuti, si daca nu are nimic de vanzare, pune-l sa deseneze ceva, sa stie ca a facut un lucru pentru banuti. Nu te lasa intimidat de aparenta preturilor mai mici decat ale noastre, poti ajunge mult mai jos. Nu ezita sa te tocmesti la sange, acest lucru face parte din cultura si modul lor de viata. Templele sunt breathtaking, si daca vrei sa le vizitezi recomandabil este sa iei un tuk-tuk de la hotel. Pentru 10 dolari este toata ziua la dispozitia ta si este si mai placuta plimbarea.
mancarea este geniala, si in ceea ce priveste recomandarile lonely planet, pot spune ca le-am ignorat pe toate cu succes, neavand absoulut niciunfel de problema.
Dupa doua zile petrecute in Siem Reap, am vizitat o regiune mai saraca, un loc deosebit de cald, care ne-am schimabt pe toti definitiv, nascand in noi dorinta de a nu mai reveni niciodata in tara... da, povestile pe care le auzi cu oameni care au plecat in vacanta in Asia si nu s-au mai intors sunt complet credibile, reale, frecvente si traite pe propria piele. Am fost la un minut de a spune : NU MA MAI INTORC. De ce ne-am intots? Pentru ca nu imi place sa las lucrurile neterminate; termin ce mai am de facut aici, dupa care ma voi pierde total in Cambogia.
Cu regret am pornit catre Sihanoukville, o regiune litorala unde din pacate se intampla multe lucruri dezgustatoare. pedofilia este in floare, coruptia mare, si din pacate ai tendinta permanenta de a-i crapa capul unui barbat libidinos venit singur pe plaja privind cate un copil. Nu am petrecut decat o ora acolo, caci am luat barca catre o insula idilica, paradisul pe pamant, unde am petrecut 5 zile rupte de oricefel de realitate cotidiana.
Apoi am ramas o noapte in capitala, ne-am plimbat un pic si cu regretul de rigoare am parasit Cambogia dupa 2 saptamani in care m-am regasit.
Bangokul l-am regasit exact cum l-am lasat, aglomerat, agitat si murdar. Singurul lucru genial a fost vizita la templul cu tigri, de care auzisem pe animal planet, mi-am dorit din totdeauna sa ajung acolo, acum realizandu-se un vis pe care nu as fi crezut ca il voi implini vreodata.
Acum ma hranesc cu ideea ca la anul voi reveni, de data asta pentru o luna intreaga :)

Phom Penh

Phom Penh wakes early to take advantage of the cool morning breeze before the sun breaks through the haze and invades the country with sweltering heat. Already at 6 am people In Phom Penh are rushing and bumping into each other on dusty, narrow side streets. Waiters and waiteresses in black and white uniforms swing open shop doors as the aroma of noodle soup greets waiting customers. Street vendors push food carts piled with steamed dumplings, smoked beef teriyaki sticks, and roasted peanuts along the sidewalks and begin to set up for another day of business. Children in colorful tshirts and shorts kick soccer balls on sidewalks with their bare feet, igoring the grunts and screams of the food cart owners. The wide boulevards sing with the buzz of motorcycle engines, squeaky bucycles, and, for those wealthy enough to afford them, small cars. By midday as temperatures climb up to over a hundred degrees,the streets grow quiet again. People rush home to seek relief from the heat, have lunch, tale cold showers, and nap before returning to work at 2 p.m.
First they killed my father - Loung Ung

sâmbătă, 25 octombrie 2008

Frig.... si atat

E toamna... e toamna in mine si in tine, iar peste sufletele noastre aluneca usor ceata ei.
Sufletele sunt confuze, peste ele cad lacrimi smulse din inima norilor. Nu mai vad lumina si nu mai aud rasete in parcuri. ma izbesc de oameni grabiti care nu stiu sa se mai opreasca si sa traiasca. can merg pe strada alerg, cand conduc alerg, ma grabesc mereu undeva. Ce este mai trist este ca fara el parca nu mai am nici un rost si nimic din ceea ce-mi alina sufletul nu mai este. ma simt ca un copil trist ce a pierdut tot, si timpul se scurge din ce in ce mai greu in aceste 12 zile ramase pana ma urc in avion si ajung la el.
ma gandesc uneori la mom in care s-ar putea intampla ceva intre noi si nu am mai fi impreuna... deloc... ce as face atunci? daca eu nu mai simt nimik in 2 saptamani in care el este in asia, urmand sa ajung si eu acolo, ce s-ar intampla daca nu am mai fi?
nu e vorba de faptul ca nu mai traiesc sau nu mai socializez, insa parca totul e fad... nimic din ce era "fun" nu mai pare la fel...
m-am prlictisit de scris si orikum aberez degeaba...\
e frig... si atat
as da orice sa inchid ochii si timp sa treaca perecum vantul asta rece

miercuri, 1 octombrie 2008

The Beaver Sauve Story

 Let me tell you  the Beaver story. It's not my story unfortunately, but i'm glad to have been a small part of it.
A friend of my mother's from Vienna visted us last weekend. I thought it would be totally boring but gladly i was mistaken. But i'm not gonna waste space here by writing about the other boring events. I was very surprised
 to see that she was carrying a beaver. "A beaver?"i thought, "why the fuck would a fully grown woman with no kids be carrying around in an unknown country a toy beaver?".  Beaver Sauve (for that was his/its name) was beavernapped from mike, a coworker of hers in Vienna.  the intersting thing is that since  2 months ago, since he went missing, Beaver has been writing to Mike, he has been sending emails from all over Europe. 
Here is the first email that he send to his owner, so that you can get a clue: 



What did you think? You freed me from Ikea and what has it been since then? I’lltell ya buddy boy…Sitting on your safe, staring at your sorry ass and praying for something to happen. Yupp the big Zippo, nada, nothing, nichts, niet. You think this is an alternative for me? All you do here is fart around or pretend to work, then it’s your pubs, your movies, then your children and your wife. God…when you did show me some attention you dressed me as a clown (it wasn’t even you but you had no problem in taking someone else’s credit) pretending I had gone native. Ha ha ha.Very funny. “Look everybody, come see the funny dressed up beaver”….very imaginative….bravo. Looooooser. Thank God the guys at the lodge can’t see me now. Jerk.

 For God sakes I’m a stuffed beaver who has feelings too.

Since I’m done watching “The Mike Sauve scratching his ass show” I decided to go out on my own to see what’s out there. I crossed the bridge, sat on the roof and kicked off the moss. Actually, I found a lawn chair on a beach and ordered a beer.. Gösser man, why didn’t you  tell me about this brown nectar of the gods eh? You greedy Scotsman. In between making a small dam in the canal, drinking a few beers and cleaning my pelt I had time for a bit of soul searching. There has to be more to life than being Mike Sauves pet beaver. This city rocks and the girls in their summer clothes….an almost non-existing camisole, tight shorts, sunbathing their bellybuttons and the rest under the Viennese heat. Their sweat, aaaahhh.

 Us semi-aquatic rodents have needs you know.     

 I hear you told everybody I’m a female, eh?! That’s how well you know me. Next time check under the fur dumb ass. You can tell we spend a lot of time together. We’re actually rival predators.


So,what’s next? Anything is possible! The world is my Lodge. Make me a deal and I’ll think about staying. It better be appealing because as I’m strolling along the Danube canal I’m starting to get the travelling itch. Sometimes you just have to scratch that itch…and then it’s ciao Chico - I am out of here to explore the world.   


Be quick with your response, you have exhausted most of my patience.



Beaver (would it have killed you to give me a name!!)


Oh and by the way, don’t worry about my financial situation. I have the number of your credit card and as you can see, access to the internet." 

So, after travelling all around Austria, The Czech Republic, he finally arrived in Romania, where he had lots of fun, the visited the whole city, drank a lot of beer and had plenty to eat, and, of course, had lots and lots of women. Of, i may have forgotten to specify that Beaver is a womaniser and also very horny. I will also post some photos of Beaver leavingVienna, pics of him on the plane and some of the Beaver during his trip here.I promise that as long as he will cc his emails to Mike, his owner,to me, i will post them here (containing the pics as well).Yo go, Beaver! Take over the world. I wonder where he's at now... i thought i heard him say something about France :))

And now, lets have a look at some of Beaver's women and pics  from Bucharest... oh, you horny little thing you :)) (due to the fact that i can't update any more pics here on the bog, i'm giving you the link to the site where you can see it all :)) )


why is marijuana not legal??

Why is marijuana not legal? Why is marijuana not legal? 
It's a natural plant that grows in the dirt. 
Do you know what's not natural?
80 year old dudes with hard-ons. That's not natural.
But we got pills for that.
We're dedicating all our medical resources to keeping the old guys erect,
but we're putting people in jail for something that grows in the dirt?

You know we have more prescription drugs now.
Every commercial that comes on TV is a prescription drug ad.
I can't watch TV for four minutes without thinking I have five serious diseases.
Like: "Do you ever wake up tired in the morning?"
Oh my god I have this, write this down. Whatever it is, I have it. 
Half the time I don't even know what the commercial is:
people running in fields or flying kites or swimming in the ocean.
I'm like that is the greatest disease ever. How do you get that?
That disease comes with a hot chick and a puppy. 

The schools now: It is all about self-esteem in the schools now.
Build the kids' self-esteem, make them feel good about themselves.
If everybody grows up with high self-esteem, who is going to dance in our strip clubs?
What's going to happen to our porno industry?
These women don't just grown on trees. 
It takes lots of drunk dads missing dance recitals before you decide to blow a goat on the internet for fifty bucks.
And if that disappears, where does that leave me on a Friday night with my new high speed connection?

Masterminds are another word that comes up all the time.
You keep hearing about these terrorists masterminds that get killed in the middle east. 
Terrorists masterminds.
Mastermind is sort of a lofty way to describe what these guys do, don't you think?
They're not masterminds.
"OK, you take bomb, right? And you put in your backpack. And you get on bus and you blow yourself up. Alright?"
"Why do I have to blow myself up? Why can't I just:"
"Who's the fucking mastermind here? Me or you?"

Americans, let's face it: We've been a spoiled country for a long time. 
Do you know what the number one health risk in America is? 
Obesity. They say we're in the middle of an obesity epidemic.
An epidemic like it is polio. Like we'll be telling our grand kids about it one day.
The Great Obesity Epidemic of 2004.
"How'd you get through it grandpa?"
"Oh, it was horrible Johnny, there was cheesecake and pork chops everywhere."

Nobody knows why were getting fatter? Look at our lifestyle.
I'll sit at a drive thru. 
I'll sit there behind fifteen other cars instead of getting up to make the eight foot walk to the totally empty counter.
Everything is mega meal, super sized. Want biggie fries, super sized, want to go large. 
You want to have thirty burgers for a nickel you fat mother fucker. There's room in the back. Take it!
Want a 55 gallon drum of Coke with that? It's only three more cents.

Sometimes you have to suffer a little bit in your youth to motivate yourself to succeed in later life.
Do you think if Bill Gates got laid in high school, do you think there'd be a Microsoft?
Of course not.
You got to spend a long time in your own locker with your underwear shoved up your ass before you start to think,
"You'll see. I'm going to take of the world of computers! I'll show them."

We're in one of the richest countries in the world,
but the minimum wage is lower than it was thirty five years ago.
There are homeless people everywhere.
This homeless guy asked me for money the other day.
I was about to give it to him and then I thought he was going to use it on drugs or alcohol.
And then I thought, that's what I'm going to use it on.
Why am I judging this poor bastard.
People love to judge homeless guys. Like if you give them money they're just going to waste it.
Well, he lives in a box, what do you want him to do? Save it up and buy a wall unit?
Take a little run to the store for a throw rug and a CD rack? He's homeless.
I walked behind this guy the other day. 
A homeless guy asked him for money.
He looks right at the homeless guy and says why don't you go get a job you bum.
People always say that to homeless guys like it is so easy.
This homeless guy was wearing his underwear outside his pants.
Outside his pants. I'm guessing his resume isn't all up to date.
I'm predicting some problems during the interview process.
I'm pretty sure even McDonalds has a "underwear goes inside the pants" policy.
Not that they enforce it really strictly, but technically I'm sure it is on the books.
                            Lazyboy -  The underwear goes inside the pants

joi, 4 septembrie 2008

Haruki Murakami 村上春樹,

Murakami was born in Kyoto in 1949 but spent most of his youth in Kobe.[2] His father was the son of a Buddhist priest.[3] His mother was the daughter of an Osaka merchant.[citation needed] Both taught Japanese literature.[4]
Since childhood, Murakami has been heavily influenced by Western culture, particularly Western music and literature. He grew up reading a range of works by American writers such as Kurt Vonnegut and Richard Brautigan, and he is often distinguished from other Japanese writers for his Western influences.[5]
Murakami studied theater arts at Waseda University in Tokyo.[6] His first job was in a record store (which is where one of his main characters, Toru Watanabe in Norwegian Wood, works). Shortly before finishing his studies, Murakami opened the coffeehouse (jazz bar, in the evening) "Peter Cat" in Kokubunji, Tokyo with his wife, Yoko.[7] They ran the bar from 1974 until 1982.[citation needed] Many of his novels have musical themes and titles referring to classical music, for example, the three books comprising The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle: The Thieving Magpie (after Rossini's orchestral overture), Bird as Prophet (after a piano piece by Robert Schumann), and The Bird-Catcher (a protagonist in Mozart's opera The Magic Flute). Some of his novels take their titles from songs: Dance, Dance, Dance (from The Beach Boys), Norwegian Wood (after the Beatles' song) and South of the Border, West of the Sun (the first part being the title of a song by Nat King Cole).[8]
Murakami is a keen marathon runner. On June 23, 1996, Murakami completed his first and only "ultramarathon" — a 100 km race around Lake Saroma, Hokkaido, Japan.[9]

"Trilogy of the Rat"
Murakami wrote his first fiction when he was 29.[10] He said he was suddenly and inexplicably inspired to write his first novel (Hear the Wind Sing, 1979) while watching a baseball game.[11] In 1978, Murakami was in Jingu Stadium watching a game between the Yakult Swallows and the Hiroshima Carp when Dave Hilton, an American, came to bat. According to an oft-repeated story, in the instant that Hilton hit a double, Murakami suddenly realized he could write a novel.[12] He went home and began writing that night. Murakami worked on it for several months in very brief stretches after working days at the bar (resulting in a fragmented, jumpy text in short chapters). After finishing, he sent his novel to the only literary contest that would accept a work of that length, and won first prize. Even in this first work, many of the basic elements of Murakami's mature writing are in place: Westernized style, idiosyncratic humor, and poignant nostalgia.
His initial success with Hear the Wind Sing encouraged him to keep writing. A year later he published Pinball, 1973, a sequel. In 1982 he published A Wild Sheep Chase, a critical success, which makes original use of fantastic elements and has a uniquely disconnected plot. Hear the Wind Sing, Pinball, and A Wild Sheep Chase form the "Trilogy of the Rat" (a sequel, Dance, Dance, Dance, was written later but is not considered part of the series), centered on the same unnamed narrator and his friend, "the Rat". However, the first two novels are unpublished in English translation outside Japan, where an English edition with extensive translation notes was published as part of a series intended for English students. According to Murakami (Publishers Weekly, 1991), he considers his first two novels "weak", and was not eager to have them translated into English. A Wild Sheep Chase was "The first book where I could feel a kind of sensation, the joy of telling a story. When you read a good story, you just keep reading. When I write a good story, I just keep writing."

Wider recognition
In 1985 Murakami wrote Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World, a dreamlike fantasy which takes the magical elements in his work to a new extreme.
Murakami achieved a major breakthrough and national recognition in 1987 with the publication of Norwegian Wood, a nostalgic story of loss and sexuality. It sold millions of copies among Japanese youth, making Murakami something of a superstar in his native country (to his dismay). The book was printed in two separate volumes, sold together, so that the number of books sold was actually doubled, since the entire book was released in two separate books, creating the million-copy bestseller hype. One book had a green cover, the other a red one. In 1986, Murakami left Japan, traveled throughout Europe, and settled in the United States.

The Wind-up Bird Chronicle (1992), 1999 Vintage paperback edition
Murakami was a writing fellow at Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey, and at Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts.[2] During this time he wrote South of the Border, West of the Sun and The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle.[2]

An established novelist
In 1994/1995 he published The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle. This novel fuses his realistic and fantastic tendencies, and contains elements of physical violence. It is also more socially conscious than his previous work, dealing in part with the difficult topic of war crimes in Manchuria (Manchukuo). The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle is frequently cited by critics as Murakami's best work.[citation needed] It won him the Yomiuri Prize, awarded to him by one of his harshest former critics, Kenzaburo Oe, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1994.[13]
The processing of collective trauma soon took a central position in Murakami's writing, which had until then been more personal in nature. While he was finishing The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, Japan was shaken by the Kobe earthquake and the Aum Shinrikyo gas attack, in the aftermath of which he returned to Japan. He came to terms with these events with his first work of non-fiction, Underground, and the short story collection after the quake. Underground consists largely of interviews of victims of the sarin gas attacks in the Tokyo subway system. While perpetrators and events behind the attack are not the focus of the book, the picture of Japanese society that Murakami paints is shocking.
English translations of many of his short stories written between 1983 and 1990 have been collected in The Elephant Vanishes. He has also translated many of the works of F. Scott Fitzgerald, Raymond Carver, Truman Capote, John Irving, and Paul Theroux, among others, into Japanese.[2]
In 2006, Murakami became the sixth recipient of the Franz Kafka Prize from the Czech Republic for his novel Umibe no Kafka (Kafka on the Shore).[14] Murakami told reporters, "In a way, reading Franz Kafka's works served as a starting point for me as a novelist."[citation needed]
In September 2007, he received an honorary doctorate from the University of Liège,[15] and in 2008 he received another from Princeton University.[16]

Recent work
The succinct Sputnik Sweetheart was first published in 1999. Kafka on the Shore was published in 2002, with the English translation following in 2005. The English version of his latest novel, After Dark, was released in May 2007. It was chosen by the New York Times as a Notable Book of the Year. In late 2005, Murakami published a collection of short stories titled Tōkyō Kitanshū (東京奇譚集, translates loosely as "Mysteries of Tokyo"). A collection of the English versions of 24 short stories, titled Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman, was published in August 2006. This collection includes both older works from the 1980s as well as some of Murakami's most recent short stories (including all five that appear in Tōkyō Kitanshū).
Murakami has recently published an anthology called Birthday Stories, which collects short stories on the theme of birthdays by Russell Banks, Ethan Canin, Raymond Carver, David Foster Wallace, Denis Johnson, Claire Keegan, Andrea Lee, Daniel Lyons, Lynda Sexson, Paul Theroux, and William Trevor, as well as a specially written story by Murakami himself.
A new book of essays titled What I Talk About When I Talk About Running, featuring tales about his experience as a full marathon runner and a triathlete, has been published in Japan[17], with English translations released in the U.K. and the U.S. This title comes from Raymond Carver's collection of short stories, What We Talk About When We Talk About Love.

Criticism and influence
Murakami's fiction, often criticized for being "pop" literature by Japan's literary establishment, is humorous and surreal, and at the same time digresses on themes of alienation, loneliness, and longing for love. In addition, Murakami's writing has also been criticized because of his portrayal of Japan's obsession with capitalism.[citation needed] Through his work, he was able to capture the spiritual emptiness of his generation and explore the negative effects of Japan's work-dominated mentality. His writing criticizes the decrease in human values and a loss of connection between people in Japan's society.
Murakami was awarded the 2007 Kiriyama Prize for Fiction for his collection of short stories Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman but, according to the Kiriyama Official Website, Murakami "declined to accept the award for reasons of personal principle".[18]
Murakami was mistakenly congratulated for receiving the Nobel Prize in Literature 2006 on the homepage of a city library in his native Ashiya, but this was the library's error.[13]

Films and other adaptations
Murakami's first novel Hear the Wind Sing (Kaze no uta o kike) was adapted by Japanese director Kazuki Ōmori. The film was released in 1981 and distributed by Art Theatre Guild.[19]
Naoto Yamakawa directed two short films Attack on the Bakery (released in 1982) and A Girl, She is 100 Percent (released in 1983) , based on Murakami's short stories Attack on the Bakery and On Seeing the 100% Perfect Woman One Beautiful April Morning respectively.[20]
Japanese director Jun Ichikawa has adapted Murakami's short story Tony Takitani into a 75 minute feature.[21] The film has played at various film festivals and was released in New York and Los Angeles on July 29, 2005. The original short story (as translated by Jay Rubin) is available in the April 15, 2002, issue of The New Yorker, as a stand-alone book published by Cloverfield Press, and part of Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman by Knopf.
In 1998 the German film Der Eisbaer (Polar Bear), written and directed by Granz Henman, used elements of Murakami's short story The Second Bakery Attack in its three intersecting story lines.
Murakami's work has also been adapted for the stage, in a 2003 play entitled The Elephant Vanishes, co-produced by Britain's Complicite company and Japan's Setagaya Public Theatre. The production, directed by Simon McBurney, adapted three of Murakami's short stories and received acclaim for its unique blending of multimedia (video, music, and innovative sound design) with actor-driven physical theatre (mime, dance, and even acrobatic wirework).[22] On tour, the play was performed in Japanese, with translating supertitles for European and American audiences.
Two stories—Honey Pie and Superfrog Saves Tokyo— from Murakami's book after the quake have been adapted for the stage and directed by Frank Galati. Entitled after the quake, the play was first performed at the Steppenwolf Theatre Company in association with La Jolla Playhouse, and opened October 12, 2007 at Berkeley Repertory Theatre.[23]
On Max Richter's 2006 album Songs from Before, Robert Wyatt reads passages from Murakami's novels.
In 2007, Robert Logevall adapted All God's Children Can Dance into a film, with a specially composed soundtrack by American jam band Sound Tribe Sector 9.
In 2008, Tom Flint adapted On Seeing the 100% Perfect Woman One Beautiful April Morning into a short film. The film was screened at the 2008 CON-CAN Movie Festival. The film can be viewed, voted, and commented upon as part of the Audience award for the movie festival.[24]
It was announced in July 2008 that French-Vietnamese film-maker Tran Anh Hung would direct an adaptation of Murakami's novel Norwegian Wood. The film will be released in 2010.[25]


Hear the Wind Sing
風の歌を聴けKaze no uta o kike
Pinball, 1973
1973年のピンボール1973-nen no pinbōru
A Wild Sheep Chase
羊をめぐる冒険Hitsuji o meguru bōken
Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World
世界の終りとハードボイルド・ワンダーランドSekai no owari to hādoboirudo wandārando
Norwegian Wood
ノルウェイの森Noruwei no mori
Dance Dance Dance
ダンス・ダンス・ダンスDansu dansu dansu
South of the Border, West of the Sun
国境の南、太陽の西Kokkyō no minami, taiyō no nishi
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
ねじまき鳥クロニクルNejimaki-dori kuronikuru
Sputnik Sweetheart
スプートニクの恋人Supūtoniku no koibito
Kafka on the Shore
海辺のカフカUmibe no Kafuka
After Dark
アフターダークAfutā Dāku
Strange Tales from Tokyo
東京奇譚集Tōkyō Kitanshū

Selected short stories
Japanese Title
English Title
Appears in
中国行きのスロウ・ボート"Chūgoku-yuki no surou bōto"
"A Slow Boat to China"
The Elephant Vanishes
貧乏な叔母さんの話"Binbō na obasan no hanashi"
"A 'Poor Aunt' Story"
Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman
ニューヨーク炭鉱の悲劇"Nyū Yōku tankō no higeki"
"New York Mining Disaster"
スパゲティーの年に"Supagetī no toshi ni"
"The Year of Spaghetti"
四月のある晴れた朝に100パーセントの女の子に出会うことについて"Shigatsu no aru hareta asa ni 100-paasento no onna no ko ni deau koto ni tsuite"
"On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning"
The Elephant Vanishes
Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman
"A Perfect Day for Kangaroos"
カンガルー通信"Kangarū tsūshin"
"The Kangaroo Communique"
The Elephant Vanishes
午後の最後の芝生"Gogo no saigo no shibafu"
"The Last Lawn of the Afternoon"
"The Mirror"
Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman
とんがり焼の盛衰"Tongari-yaki no seisui"
"The Rise and Fall of Sharpie Cakes"
納屋を焼く"Naya wo yaku"
"Barn Burning"
The Elephant Vanishes
Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman
嘔吐1979"Ōto 1979"
"Nausea 1979"
ハンティング・ナイフ"Hantingu naifu"
"Hunting Knife"
踊る小人"Odoru kobito"
"The Dancing Dwarf"
The Elephant Vanishes
パン屋再襲撃"Panya saishūgeki"
"The Second Bakery Attack"
象の消滅"Zō no shōmetsu"
"The Elephant Vanishes"
ファミリー・アフェア"Famirī afea"
"A Family Affair"
ローマ帝国の崩壊・一八八一年のインディアン蜂起・ヒットラーのポーランド侵入・そして強風世界"Rōma-teikoku no hōkai・1881-nen no indian hōki・Hittorā no pōrando shinnyū・soshite kyōfū sekai"
"The Fall of the Roman Empire, the 1881 Indian Uprising, Hitler's Invasion of Poland, and the Realm of Raging Winds"
ねじまき鳥と火曜日の女たち"Nejimaki-dori to kayōbi no onnatachi"
"The Wind-up Bird And Tuesday's Women"
TVピープルの逆襲"TV pīpuru no gyakushū"
"TV People"
飛行機―あるいは彼はいかにして詩を読むようにひとりごとを言ったか"Hikōki-arui wa kare wa ika ni shite shi wo yomu yō ni hitorigoto wo itta ka"
"Aeroplane: Or, How He Talked to Himself as if Reciting Poetry"
Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman
我らの時代のフォークロア―高度資本主義前史"Warera no jidai no fōkuroa-kōdo shihonshugi zenshi"
"A Folklore for My Generation: A Prehistory of Late-Stage Capitalism"
トニー滝谷"Tonī Takitani"
"Tony Takitani"
"The Silence"
The Elephant Vanishes
緑色の獣"Midori-iro no kemono"
"The Little Green Monster"
氷男"Kōri otoko"
"The Ice Man"
Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman
人喰い猫"Hito-kui neko"
"Man-Eating Cats"
めくらやなぎと、眠る女"Mekurayanagi to, nemuru onna"
"Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman"
七番目の男"Nanabanme no otoko"
"The Seventh Man"
UFOが釧路に降りる"UFO ga kushiro ni oriru"
"UFO in Kushiro"
after the quake
アイロンのある風景"Airon no aru fūkei"
"Landscape with Flatiron"
神の子どもたちはみな踊る"Kami no kodomotachi wa mina odoru"
"All God's Children Can Dance"
かえるくん、東京を救う"Kaeru-kun, Tōkyō wo sukū"
"Super-Frog Saves Tokyo"
蜂蜜パイ"Hachimitsu pai"
"Honey Pie"
バースデイ・ガール"Bāsudei gāru"
"Birthday Girl"
Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman
偶然の旅人"Gūzen no tabibito"
"Chance Traveller"
ハナレイ・ベイ"Hanarei Bei"
"Hanalei Bay"
どこであれそれが見つかりそうな場所で"Doko de are sore ga mitsukarisō na basho de"
"Where I'm Likely to Find It"
日々移動する腎臓のかたちをした石"Hibi idō suru jinzō no katachi wo shita ishi"
"The Kidney-Shaped Stone That Moves Every Day"
品川猿"Shinagawa saru"
"A Shinagawa Monkey"

Other Work
Underground (journalism)
What I Talk About When I Talk About Running (memoir)
Murakami Diary 2009 (diary)

Dai Sijie 戴思杰

Dai Sijie
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dai Sijie 戴思杰
March 2, 1954 (1954-03-02) (age 54)Chengdu,Sichuan China
Author, Screenwriter, Director
Dai Sijie (Chinese: 戴思杰, b. 1954) is a French author and filmmaker of Chinese ancestry.

Dai Sijie was born in China in 1954. Because he came from an educated middle-class family, the Maoist government sent him to a reeducation camp in rural Sichuan from 1971 to 1974, during the Cultural Revolution. After his return, he was able to complete high school and university, where he studied art history. In 1984, he left China for France on a scholarship. There, he acquired a passion for movies and became a director. Before turning to writing, he made three critically-acclaimed feature-length films: China, My Sorrow (1989) (original title: Chine, ma douleur), Le mangeur de lune and Tang, le onzième. He also wrote and directed an adaptation of Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress, released in 2002. He lives in Paris and writes in French.
A new novel, Par une nuit où la lune ne s'est pas levée (On a moonless night) appeared in 2007.

His first book, the semi-autobiographical Balzac et la Petite Tailleuse chinoise (Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress) (2000), was made into a movie, in 2005, which he himself adapted and directed. It recounts the story of a pair of friends who become good friends with local seamstress while spending time in a countryside village, where they have been sent for 're-education' during the Cultural Revolution (see Down to the Countryside Movement). They steal a suitcase filled with classic Western novels from another man being reeducated, and decide to enrich the seamstress' life by exposing her to great literature. These novels also serve to sustain the two companions during this difficult time. The story principally deals with the cultural universality of great literature and its redeeming power. The novel has been translated into twenty-five languages, although not into Dai's native Chinese, as his work is banned in his country of origin.
His second book, Le Complexe de Di won the Prix Femina for 2003. It recounts the travels of a Chinese man whose philosophy has been influenced by French psychoanalyst thought. The title is a play on "le complexe d'Oedipe", or "the Oedipus complex". The English translation (released in 2005) is titled Mr. Muo's Traveling Couch.

Books by Dai Sijie
Balzac et la Petite Tailleuse chinoise (Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress) (2000)
Le Complexe de Di (Mr. Muo's Traveling Couch) (2003) (Prix Femina)
Par une nuit où la lune ne s'est pas levée, 2007

Filmography as director
Les filles du botaniste (The Chinese botanist's daughters) (2006)
Balzac et la petite tailleuse chinoise (Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress) (2002) (France)
Tang le onzième (The eleventh child) (1998) (France)
Le Mangeur de lune (1994)
Chine, ma douleur (China, my sorrow) (1989) (Prix Jean Vigo)

o ard dubios

Pierd vremea. cand aleg, cand stau, cand nu-mi vad capul de treaba, cand o ard dubios. ce tampenie pare a fi viata asta sau ceea ce societatea de astazi numeste viata. ce impliniti ne simtim cand avem un job bine platit, castigam bani... si atat... castigam bani ca sa-i cheltuim, ca sa ajungem iar de unde am plecat. ne trebuie lucruri... haine, telefoane, gablonturi... ca sa ne plictisim de ele si sa ne dorim altele noi. muncim ca nebunii pentru un concediu "bine meritat", ca sa mergem la mare, "sa ne distram" si sa admiram stelele si luna. marea, muntele, lumea sunt acolo si au fost mereu, nu au nevoie de pretexte ca sa fie vizitate. sunt acolo si putem merge oricand, numai ca noi avem nevoie de complicatii. de ce sa muncim pe hartii care se dau pe lucruri de care nu avem nevoie si sa vedem lumea care de fapt este exact sub nasul nostru? de ce au atata importanta lucrurile astea? eh, aberez, dar ca sa spun drept nu am ce face. am chef sa tastez, sa aud pacanitul tastelor pentru ca timp de 2 ore trebuie sa o ard dubios si nu am nici o carte la mine... mi-ar fi placut sa am cartea pe care o lecturez in prezent la mine. cred ca este interesanta si cred ca imi place. mai am de citit insa ma misc greu pentru ca de cele mai multe ori pic lata cand vin de la munca sau pierd vremea un rahatul de televizor la care ma uit ca dobitoaca. nu am mai vazut de ceva vreme un film cu adevarat bun si cu toate astea continui sa ma uit la televizor. asa, sa revin la cartea pe care o citesc; " A cincea fiola" de Michael Palmer. Ce scrie pe coperta:
"În Boston, o studentă la medicină, căzută în dizgraţie, este trimisă să prezinte o lucrare care i-ar putea salva cariera. La 6000 de kilometri distanţă, un savant genial, aflat pe moarte din cauza unei boli incurabile, este pe cale de a descoperi un ser care ar putea salva milioane de vieţi, aducând profituri uriaşe pentru unii. La Chicago, un detectiv particular, total deziluzionat, trebuie să identifice cadavrul unui tânăr găsit pe autostradă, ce purta niste urme misterioase pe corp. Trei vieţi care nu au nimic în comun, dar care aveau să devină legate pentru totdeauna. Trei vieţi ameninţate, care se străduiesc să atragă atenţia asupra unei misterioase gupări de oameni, cu aspiraţii de dumnezei. Trei oameni care află ce înseamnă geniul şi nebunie, adevăr şi decepţie, încredere şi trădare... Trei vieţi unite pentru totdeauna de o fiolă de sânge - a cincia fiolă. Te-ai întrebat vreodată de unde vin organele donate? Ce ar fi dacă, în momentul în care îţi faci nişte analize de sânge, laboratorul mai prelevă o fiolă, fără ştirea ta. Această fiolă este trimisă la un laborator care stochează informaţia şi, dacă eşti donatorul compatibil cu cineva bogat şi influent care are nevoie de un organ, atunci ar fi mai bine să te ascunzi. "
Sa zicem ca pare interesant, iar dupa cele cateva capitole citite spun ca mai vreau. Probabil ca voi reveni cu cateva ganduri personale despre carte dupa ce o termin de citit.
Hmmm... ma gandesc la Dai Sijie si la Haruki Murakami... am pofta de ei si de ceea ce scriu ei.
o mai ard dubios un pic si revin.

duminică, 31 august 2008

Luis Royo.

Luis Royo was born in 1954 in Olalla, Teruel (Spain). He studied technical delineation, painting, decoration and interior design in the Industrial Mastery School and the Applied Arts School in Zaragoza. He also worked on several interior design studies between 1970 and 1979. From 1972 to 1976 he took part in a series of collective painting exhibitions on a national level. In 1977 he created large-format paintings using mixed techniques, which were exhibited in several cities.

From 1978 on, he started drawing comics for different fanzines. Between 1981 and 1982, his comics were published in the 1984, Comix International and Rambla magazines, and also, occasionally, in El Víbora and Heavy Metal. 1983 marks the beginning of his career as an illustrator together with NORMA Editorial. His works leave the country, and are often published worldwide. He works in the USA, England, Sweden, etc., making commissioned covers for books from Tor Books, Berkley Books, Avon, Warner Books, Bantam Books, etc. He also creates covers for American magazines, such as Heavy Metal and National Lampoon, and also European ones, such as Cimoc, Comic Art, Ere Comprimée, Total Metal and others; he also makes a few video and video games sleeves for different countries.

In 1985, while keeping his work as an illustrator both in the States and Europe, the Colección Rambla publishes a comic drawn by him. In 1986, Ikusager Ediciones S.A. publishes DESFASE, an experimental comic album.
From 1990 on, he increases the amount of free works, combining them with his commissioned works.In 1992, NORMA Editorial publishes in Spain the book WOMEN, a selection of the illustrations he has drawn in the last eight years. Soleil Productions makes the French edition, and Edition Comic Forum the German one.He also gets a small exhibition showing his originals.
In 1993, Comic Images publishes a trading card collection called FROM FANTASY TO REALITY which includes some illustrations made by Royo.
In 1994, NORMA Editorial publishes a new art-book, MALEFIC, in Spain, which is again published by Soleil in France, Hazard in Italy and Konemann in other countries. WOMEN is also reprinted, and Penthouse USA devotes a whole article to this book.
From 1995 on, his commissioned works for book covers from American companies such as Tor, Berkley or Avon are extended to others, including Ballantine, Nal, Daw, Doubleday, Harper Paperbacks, Zebra, Fasa Corporation, Pocket Books for the Star Trek series, works for Penthouse Comix, Marvel’s Fleer Ultra X-Men, etc. These same illustrations and others of his own creation are used as book and magazine covers both in Europe and Eastern countries. His illustrations are starting to appear now in different format: calendars,
posters, t-shirts, CD covers, mouse pads, etc., as well as trading card collections, such as THE ART OF HEAVY METAL. His third exclusive trading card collection, THE BEST OF ROYO, is also published this year.

In 1996, one of his drawings is used as the Penthouse cover in its American and German editions, which also include an inside article focusing on him. Another article devoted to his illustrations appear in the Italian Stampa weekly magazine, and also in the American and German Airbrush-Action and Penthouse Comix. He wins the Silver Award SPECTRUM III: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art, and publishes his third art book with NORMA Editorial: SECRETS. NBM prints it for American-speaking countries. In collaboration with Heavy Metal, NORMA Editorial also prints his portfolio WARM WINDS.

In 1997, Heavy Metal, the magazine that usually publishes his works in covers and calendars, dedicates its Gallery to him, and charges him to make the cover for the magazine’s twentieth anniversary, as well as a series of illustrations focused on the F.A.K.K.2 character (Julie Strain), created by Kevin Eastman. Comic Images launches two trading card collections, ROYO SECRET DESIRES (Royo’s fourth series) and ARTISTS CHOICE (together with other authors). WOMEN and MALEFIC are published in the U.S., and the latter is reprinted by NORMA Editorial.

In 1998 he creates his following art-book, III MILLENNIUM. In this case, he gives his personal view on this end of century. The so-called BLACK TAROT is also published, as well as the 1999 calendar for Heavy Metal and his fifth trading card collection, also called III MILLENNIUM.

In 1999, and again presented in the Barcelona Comic Fair, his new art-book, DREAMS, is published. It collects all the commissioned illustrations created by Royo for the last ten years. Also in 1999, Inteleg launches a vinyl sculpture based on the cover of MALEFIC, whose production is supervised by Royo himself.

Later this year, a new art-book, PROHIBITED BOOK, is published. This is a book with a completely different mood to the rest of his works; it is more erotic and explicit than never. The tome, published in a deluxe format smaller than usual, includes many illustrations gifted with an enormous sensuality never seen before by Royo’s fans.

marți, 26 august 2008

sa stii sa iubesti si sa mergi mai departe

Sa stii sa iubesti si sa stii sa mergi mai departe... sa gasesti dragostea, ca apoi s-o pierzi... dar nu stii ca ea va ramane mereu acolo?

Ne-am intors din vama veche... o vama cum nu am mai vazut de mult si care din fericire nu parea atat de distrusa de lumea de afara. probabil pentru ca am fost acolo in timpul saptamanii. snake a gasit dragostea acolo, pe nisipul din vama veche. as putea spune ca noi toti am gasit-o. un suflet mare inchis intr-un corp plapand, mic, temator. Am numit-o Elga... datorita unor persoane care au ajutat la asa zisa adoptie a ei. elga=dragoste. zbateri de aripi. dar ca de obicei, atunci cand simti ca intreg universul coopereaza pentru un lucru, e evident ca e doar o iluzie. snake nu a putut s-o tina pe elga... astfel acest suflet ajungand in casa mea. simt ca imi lumineaza fiecare clipa dar uneori ma simt vinovata de bucuria pe care o simt prin prezenta ei. nu este a mea, este a lui snake... este bucuria ei.. erau facute una pentru alta... iar eu posed acest sentiment acum... am voie sa il traiesc? oamenii abandoneaza suflete... oamenii salveza suflete... oamenii se abandoneaza si se salveaza intre ei... ce cerc ridicol...
ma uimeste uneori puterea noastra launtrica si modul in care ne agatam cu disperare pentru a nu ne parbusi... si salvarea poate veni din cele mai neasteptate locuri... cum ar fi din partea unui necuvantator...

vineri, 25 iulie 2008

Ma simt schimbata... adevarul este ca nu am mai scris de extraordinar de multa vreme. chiar ma intreb daca mai stiu cum sa imi torn gandurile pe foaie... cand eram mica aveam multe jurnale; nu am terminat nici unul pentru ca la un moment dat ma plictiseam si incepeam unul nou.... de cand am intalnit omul care mi-a schimbat viata, nu am mai scris decat scrisori. scrisori catre mine sau catre el, insa nici asta nu s-a mai intamplat de 2 ani de zile. uneori ma uit in urma si nu imi vine sa cred cate schimbari au intervenit in viata mea si cate sunt pe cale sa se schimbe inca.
cresc, simt cum... ma modific sufleteste. cu toate ca uneori simt ca stau... si as vrea sa las lumea asta sa alerge, sa o las sa se invarta, dar as vrea uneori sa raman pe loc... as vrea sa dau timpul inapoi si sa pot schimba cateva momente din viata mea... as vrea sa fi avut sansa sa imi iau adio de la bunica mea, nasica mea si bunicul meu inainte sa treaca in nefiinta. as fi vrut sa le fi putut spune cat de mult ii iubesc, insa cel mai mult imi doresc sa ii fi cunoscut si sa ma fi cunoscut cu adevarat, nu ca pe un copil incapabil de sentimente mature. dar viata merge inainte. imi doresc ca mama mea sa se schimbe radical si sa nu mai fie la fel de impulsiva si pripita cum este astazi; imi doresc ca tatal meu sa ma fi cunoscut sau macar sa isi fi dorit sa o faca; imi doresc sa petrec mai mult timp cu fratele meu si vreau mai presus de toate sa traiesc. alaturi de el. de cel care mi-a devenit cel mai bun prieten, iubit, frate, si familie. mi-ai aratat cum este sa iubesti si sa fii iubit, ti-am aratat ce este iubirea, ne-am aratat reciproc ce inseamna prietenia si complicitatea. si suntem gata sa ne unim destinele. esti cel mai frumos lucru din viata mea.
vreau sa uit de lume, de oamenii din ea, oameni care au uitat sa mai traiasca, au uitat sa priveasca cerul sau sa priveasca o floare. lumea este intr-un vertigo continuu din care se pare ca scapa cine poate. imi este dor de fericirea copilariei... o priveam pe sofie intr-o zi in parc... cata fericire pura este intr-un copil... de ce nu mai putem fi copii? de ce ne lasam pervertiti si uitam... sa fim copii? sa ne bucuram la o raza de soare, la o imbratisare, la un suc de capsuni????
incerc sa tin treaz pe cat posibil copilul din mine... de ce sa nu lasam copiii din noi sa alerge??